Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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About Sharky’s album launch: The one moment that caught my attention

Saturday 25 June will be remembered for a lot of things. some will remember it as a night that one boy from Chitungwiza named Sharky, dared to dream and fire what could be the first shots towards the liberation of Zim Hip Hop.

Everything that could have gone right went right. The album and the performance were pure majestic.


Here’s how I will remember it:

In the week preceding Sharky’s album launch,my facebook timeline was literally littered with a lot of support messages for the Soko Matemai album launch.

I was amazed as to how the family of hip-hop could summon their collective influence all for that one young man Sharky.

I remember asking someone why Sharky was liked so much,especially by those who are supposed to be his competition.

I still don’t know up now.

So I took it as my mission as I braced the chilly Saturday temperatures and went to Motto Republik for the Soko Matemai launch

The Hip Hop family turned up. From as far as Luveve there were there.


That Moment which caught my attention

I arrived at Motto Republik around 1807 the first person that I saw was Tehn Diamond he was seated in the second row on the third chair all by himself.

Tehn Diamond looked like he was having a deep conversation with himself, fellow artists and fans would come and greet him but he was not up for chit chats.

I hesitated to greet him,in fact, i didnt, I wanted to observe him from a distance.

I was convinced Tehn Diamond was worried about something and was eager to find out.

By this time other people were seated in his row but he still maintained his nonchalant stance, for a good 16 minutes he was staring at the stage.

As soon as Sharky went on stage,he rose just like everyone else but this time, he was wondering about the stage from left to right, what’s wrong with Tehn I kept asking myself?

Later on, I was to learn from someone that He was Sharky’s mentor. And eventually, everything made sense.

I will remember Tehn Diamond’s imprint on Zim Hip Hop from this experience.

There was a moment during the performance that Sharky really looked tired and could have easily stopped his performance.

Tehn Diamond sensed this,rushed to the right side of the stage,signalled something to Sharky,repeated the signal three times to make sure Sharky understood it.

Sharky understood he was being told to soldier on, and it was from that moment that I realised I was watching the best solo Hip-Hop act ever done in this country.

This was a shining moment of brotherhood at its pinnacle.

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