Friday, March 7, 2025

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Davido Show — 5 things that we Learned

Davido finally made his second coming performance in Harare and this time he did it in a bigger venue, bigger crowd and even hungrier audience.

It probably was the most anticipated show of the year because of the circumstances surrounding it. Davido had missed two other shows in 2017, Ginimbi was involved and so was Boity and Trace Africa.

The show kicked off at 2145 with a suprise performance from Jah Signal.

Here are 5 things that we learned

Sorry Haters: Ginimbi is a Genius

So For the detractors who thought that Genius was a ‘one-hit-party’ wonder who lucked up with his foreign-hosted all-white birthday celebrations, we regret to be the ones to inform you that you were wrong. Dead wrong.

It’s understandable that there are people who do not take Ginimbi as a serious person, let alone businessman.

In the run-up to the show, he gave promises and assurances that he would deliver Davido to Zimbabwe hassle free. And he did.

The HICC was filled to capacity. We give Genius 5 stars for keeping on a promise.

The Rivalry between Stunner And Mudiwa Will not end, Not in this Lifetime.

Mudiwa and Stunner

Competition exists everywhere, but for Hip Hop it actually is good for the venture and for Stunner and Mudiwa, theirs is a gladiatorial contest between two titans.

Their rivalry stems mostly from the fact that they are rappers who are similar in more than one way.

For Stunner and Mudiwa it is not necessarily a question of who is good musically, it is a question of who is good entirely.

Saturday Night the rappers were made suprise co-hosts at the Davido show and they gave a show of their own.

Who knew that they could stand each other.

The rappers entertained fans in a civil but battle-like manner as they took turns to throw shade at each other.

They would dance to each other’s songs, even rap together, but in that brief show of affection, the lyrics will be jibes at one another. It was good to witness

Some fans are remarkably disrespectful

Davido’s show was probably one of the most violent at the HICC in recent times. People just wanted to fight and disturb others from having fun.

Moments after Davido made his grand entrance, some fans, right in front of him started fighting for God Knows What.

It had to take the Nigerian singer to sanitise things. You see someone parties with $40 VIP ticket just to fight. Remarkable.

Other fights would sporadically just pop from nowhere, right in the VIP section. It was sickening and embarrassing.

Boity is ridiculously HOT!!

Boity with Phathisani

Throughout Human existence, nations and cultures have had conflicts, often degenerating into serious wars that have lasted decades.

Some of these are caused by simple disagreements.

However Saturday night, we all witnessed a collective appreciation and agreement of the beauty that is Boity.


For a moment, time froze in the HICC as the South African Television Personality graced the stage in her white attire. Both men and women applauded the Angel that was before our sight!!!

Davido’s performance

First, let’s get something out of the way and give him an A for attending.

Davido is not one of the best performers the world has known and those that went to the 30 Billion Concert knew that fact.

People just wanted to see and interact with their star and he gave them that. Did people enjoy, we think yes.

See, we have learnt, from the many shows we have attended that the first sign of disapproval from Zimbabweans is the throwing of missiles at the artist.

Nothing was thrown Davido’s way, although another lady attempted to throw her undies and they failed to reach the stage.

Davido came onto the stage at exactly 0015 and left at 0247 on the dot, Zimbabwean experience tells us that you can only last that long if you are doing something right

Overall it was a great night in Harare.

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