The ‘Book Cafe’ will host its first ‘Pop-up’ event to to held on the rooftop of the New Ambassador Hotel in Harare Mokoomba and Jam Signal are confirmed participants.
This will be a first of the many such events to come from Book Cafe. The show starts at 1800hrs and its a cover charge.
All good things in life are for free…as Castle lite throws an Extra Cold Block Party at Newlands Shopping Centre.
The stage will be on the roundabout and with other parts of the road blocked off to allow you to party.
Entertainment will be provided by ZiFM’s Jason Le Roux, Tehn Diamond, DJ Naida, Kwekwe’s DJ Stavo, Peekay,
Judgement Yard ,Otis Fraser and Rax the DJ.
Zero dollars allows you to party!!! Show starts at 1500hrs.

Hope Masike brings you the Good Vibes a brand new show at Alliance Francaise de Harare shows starts at 1730hrs and its a cover charge.
Its the Arcadia Beerfest & Sports Extravaganza at the Arcadia Sports Club, Harare. Beerfest with a difference – with pool and darts competition.
They will be random happy hour with lots to giveaway. Admission adults $5 and kids $3.
If you have an events you would like us to put up,do get in touch on 0772624431 or
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