Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Yes, Love Is Patient, Kind and Cheap!

a couple holding hands walking into the sunlight

I’ve found something that many men do not understand. “Romance does not equal money.”

The men I’ve talked with have been frightened off by television and movies and believe that romance is something outside of their budget.

They are wrong.
When I think of the most romantic and breath-taking stories that my friends and I discuss over lunch, we don’t talk about flying off to Europe or drinking the most expensive champagne. The little things like holding hands, reading stories together, and lots of laughter are what we hold dear.

I’ve put together a list of ways to show love — without running up bill. And, ladies, this list is for you, too. Initiate the following ideas with your Sweetie, and show him how much you care. The ideas below are for men or women and fit every budget.

Ditch WhatsApp and leave some Love Notes in her hand bagfor her to find Leave

Wildlife – Go to Mukuvisi woodlands and watch the birds, the Zebras and the giraffe

Cooking –google a random  recipeand to make it together

Photos – When is the last time you had a photo taken together? What are you waiting for?

Work Date – Surprise your love with a lunch date.

Stroll – Leave the TV, phone and computer behind and go on a walk together in a very quiet road with less traffic

Entertainment – Go see a High School or College play or concert. It is affordable and fun!

Slow Dance – Turn on the radio and dance to the songs you fell in love listening to.

Volunteer – Choose a charity or cause that means something to both of you and work together to make the world a better place.

Love Story – Write how you met, fell in love, how you felt, what your thoughts were. You will treasure looking through these books over the years.

Love Grows – Plant a garden together. Herbs, vegetables, flowers, fruit — anything you both like.

Cheer – Go to a High School Sporting Event especially the Harare school boy rugby

Puzzles – Do a jigsaw or crossword puzzle together before you know it the hour hand would have completed more than 3 complete rotations

Wish List – Both make a wish list of things that make you happy and put them in order. Hugs, dates, gifts, time together, intimacy, etc. Then look at the lists. They may surprise you.

People Watch – Sit on a bench and watch people go by. Try to guess their stories.

So, although an occasional expensive dinner is nice, it is truly the day-to-day affection that builds romance and love.

Yes, Love is Patient , Kind — and Cheap!


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