Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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NAMA Awards 2016 Call For Entries

It’s Awards season again and this time the biggest of them all, the National Arts Merit Awards (NAMA) is calling for artists to submit their entries to be considered for nomination.

Nama Awards
Nama Awards

The Zim Hip Hop Awards Academy also released a list of the 2016 nominees and you can find them HERE

“National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) urges all production houses, studios, stables, galleries, organisations, associations, groups, artists, monitors and/or the publics that have outstanding published work of art but have not yet submitted them for National Arts Merit Awards (NAMA) to submit to NACZ offices in Mount Pleasant or Provincial offices,” read the statement from Cathrine Mthombeni NAMA Communications and Marketing Officer.

Work of art can also be submitted to National Gallery of Zimbabwe near you. The deadline for submission of 16th NAMA entries is 30th November 2016.

Entry forms are obtained from NACZ offices throughout the country, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Murewa Culture Centre, registered arts associations and organisations in Zimbabwe.

“NACZ appointed individual and institutional Monitors who have been monitoring the work of excelling artists throughout the year and are still monitoring until the 30th of November. The monitors are professional individuals with an in-depth knowledge of the arts as well as arts organisations of repute,” added Cathrine Mthombeni.

 Consideration of selection will only be given to artist works published from 1st December 2015 to 30th November 2016 and Only Zimbabwean citizens or those with Zimbabwean resident status can enter their work for NAMA.

All entries must be accompanied by the artiste’s product(s). These could be in the form of videotapes, cassettes, flash drives, CDs, pictures or books. Individuals submitting works for NAMA are encouraged to supply three sets of the particular works/production to assist adjudicators. The NAMA disciplines that are adjudicated are dance, film, literary arts, theatre, music, visual arts, media and spoken word.

The NAMA disciplines that are adjudicated are dance, film, literary arts, theatre, music, visual arts, media and spoken word.

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