26-year-old Zimbabwean fitness enthusiast Tawanda Tadzimirwa is this year’s winner for the MensHealth South Africa Cover Guy competition.
He will be gracing the December issue of the magazine.
Tawanda Tadzimirwa, joined the gym in 2008 to improve his swimming time. He was gunning for the swimming captain position and hoped the training would help him.
He became hooked once he saw the results. Last year he went through a slump, and training took a back seat. At the start of this year, he dusted himself off and started again.
“The journey this year beat me to my knees, but my resolve has been unwavering,” he told Menshealth SA.
He told the magazine that in his journey back into fitness he rallied his friends, family and Instagram followers.

Together they a hashtag #RoadToSummer18 where they would be encouraging and motivating each other.
He shared some of his routines.
“Supersetting two or three exercises at a time will get your heart rate up and really test your cardiovascular endurance.”
He advised to makes sure to include a cardio component, such as burpees or jumping jacks.
Some of his Favourite Moves are Squats, deadlifts, and the dumbbell shoulder press.
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