Saturday, September 21, 2024

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‘The Big Turn Up’ is About to Change how you Party

For those that love the finer things in life, have the finer things and fine themselves, the way you party is about to be remixed by the launch of ‘The Big turn Up’

Created for working adults, young at heart who are passionate dreamers The Big Turn Up makes its inaugural launch Saturday, October 14 at the Newlands Country Club from 1 pm to 10 pm.

Running under the theme ‘Something White’ guests can look forward to access to delightful  Chill Zones, Beautiful Pop-up Outlets featuring Specially Selected Vendors.


Unique World Class Live Music Experience featuring sets by 3 DJs, 2 Artists, resident Band, Car Exhibitions, Quality Company for Networking and A Unique Outdoor scenery featuring the Zimbabwean Summer Sun into golden Sunset among a host of other activities.

The event which will be running regularly and will be held at different other venues.

“Belief in quality and excellence for each experience imagined for The BIG Turn Up dictates that it be bigger than one venue,” said a statement from the organisers.

“For it to be fully realised, it will be expressed through changing locations, with each new space dressed up to unique and creative themes. The BIG Turn Up will always give us the opportunity to enjoy the Zimbabwean weather, beautiful scenery, a magical sunset, and fun under the stars. The outdoor vibe is imperative to our imagined exclusive experience.

“The BIG Turn Up will always give us the opportunity to enjoy the Zimbabwean weather, beautiful scenery, a magical sunset, and fun under the stars. The outdoor vibe is imperative to our imagined exclusive experience.”

Organisers also said at the guests’ service shall be well trained and groomed service staff together with Umlilo and her Flames for your Hosting Needs.

Tickets available for $20 at Newlands Colorsel Shop.


Here is a video of what you can expect

? Turning happiness into lifestyle ?Join us this Saturday • Experience it for yourself ?#thebigturnup#bringafriend

Posted by Big TurnUp on Tuesday, October 10, 2017

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