On the off chance that the emotions are still there, it doesn’t make a difference to what extent it’s been since you and your ex have separated.

When you hear a specific melody, visit a specific eatery, or simply observe his or her name fly up in your Facebook feed, the sentiments will rise back, influencing you to feel crude, open and uncovered.
That’s the plight of dealing with an ex especially where unresolved feeling still lingers in your Memory.
Lamont Chitepo in Do You Remember dissects this love conundrum featuring Tytan, the song which most of us can relate to shows a married couple and an ex somewhere in the picture.
The married lady somehow looks very happy in her marriage, giving her hubby absolutely no sign that she has a heart split between him and an unforgotten ex.
“You are the one, the one that got away..Asi wakaroorwa..” goes part of the lyrics as the pop artists challenge the status quo laying bare the destructive danger of exes in a relationship.
He makes a confession “Ndichiri kukufunga..” perfectly expressing the feeling that you think you would be with that person for so long and have a great relationship until one day…it’s all over.
Lamont Chitepo plays the ex in this sharp and crisp video that was shot in the UK.
Like all emotional cheats, the lady got caught in a classic way. With hubby in the jacuzzi, the lady decided to take a selfie with him while enjoying a glass of expensive wine..before she could press the take button…The ex calls in the full view of hubby.
Do you remember is certainly outstanding amongst other tunes about missing your ex out there, particularly for where genuine feelings still exist.
Despite it tackling a sensitive issue in all communities regardless of race or culture, the song has a catchy hook and great deliveries that will make you dance at the same time questioning yourself about that recent text you sent to your ex
In this song, Lamont makes you consider your long lost ex and how you first met, at the same time the song reveals just how individuals can go a little insane when pondering their exes and missing them more than anything.
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