Ask Mono will be a series that we shall be running for some weeks to come. Questions are drawn from various facebook questions that are posed to Mono Mukundu by musicians. Mono will try to answer them to the best of his ability and knowldege.
Question from Munyaradzi Barnabas Tecnic Soka
As an upcoming artist you are supposed to hold shows for you to market and brand yourself so,
1) How will you organise those shows since you are not known to the public
2) Is it not expensive to organise those shows as an upcoming musician that it requires the help of promoters?
3) What if the promoters are not willing to work with someone who is not known….
Thank you

My Answer for question1&2:
I know the pain of organising shows usingazivikanwe and I wouldn’t advice anyone to do that,its a waste of time, money and energy would advice kuti munhu atange agadzira zita to a certain level, start by recording your music, take it ku radio,do videos,interviews etc then wozotanga kuita ma shows zita ravakuzivikanwa.
After recording your music,yarira pa radio,you can start by opening for well known artists as you gain experience. You can do that even pasina ma promoters,its easier if you work with a manager rather than trying to do everything wega, as i mentioned above,tanga wagadzira zita,kana zita ravapo even the promoters vanokutsvaga,why would they refuse to work with you uchivapinzira mari?
Answer for question3:
You don’t need a promoter to do a gig at smaller venues,ma promoters ndavazokwire bhazi ravakutofamba. Also remember kuti promoters are business people,they are there to make a profit,if your name is too small to attract a sizeable audience that will bring them money obviously they will not engange you, so instead yekuvagumbukira sort your side of the problem and push your name…so before you complain about promoters gadzira zita.
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