2016 has been a banging musical year so far with unexpected collaborations and hard-hitting singles, but sometimes a song deserves a visual representation and below are some of the songs that are on our Video wish list. Some have already been rumored to be in works so Fingers crossed everybody!
5. Mari Mari by Queen Vee and Souljah Love
This song has been received generally well by the people because it was an unorthodox coupling. The Zimdancehall Bad boy and the Classy Supermodel. Is the video going to involve twerking and clarks? Or will it take the Hip Hop cliché route of throwing around money or will it just be a sober video?
We saw at the ZIMAs that Queen Vee can dance and put up a great performance and we are hoping against hope that they do a Video. Please note Twerking Souljah love and Clark stepping Queen Vee..Or is that Vice Versa?
4. Gloria – You will Shine ( Performed By Sebastian Magacha, Jah Prayzah, Sulu Chimbetu, Alaina, Shinsoman, Selmor Mutukudzi )
In a ‘Heal the World’ move, Gloria released a song on the 1st of March, which has a strong message about believing in yourself and ultimately shining ( Just like the Self Raising flour they sell…we see you, Gloria). The artists line up who perform the song are quite impressive, Jah Prayzah, Sulu, Selmor, Saba, Alaina and Shinso are all talented and great artists in their own genres.
Their uniqueness combined makes for a great sing-along song..once you get over the fact that you likening yourself to flour. We hope Gloria drops a video as soon as they are done with the tour. We want to see the gelling of all these artists on one screen reflecting their differences that make them so so special.
3. Mukoko – Ammara Brown and Tytan
This Love song blew us all away when it came out, has the perfect chorus that hits you right in the feels and gives you that “I’m the best “ feeling in a totally unassuming way ( Hona Kunaka, Mukoko, Mukoko ).
The Dance set performance of this song is pure Fire and we DEMAND a video Ammara we need to see those Africa salsa steps again so that we incorporate them into our wedding sets. The team also suggested that there should be Bees..lots and lots of bees spelling out Ammara but we were just dreaming at this point.
Also Watch: Trey XL- Live Life
2. Tongogara – Jnr Brown

That Raspy voice which accompanies Deep social conscious lyrics that subtly call out the class divide in our society today can only be made better by a Visual representation. By now almost everyone can sing along to Tongogara and you have seen the Onset Pictures from various players.
Some might already have the Tshirt( Dear Santa I would really like a Purple Tongogara Tee this year). Surely this Movement can only be made better by a Video. So our Notifications are On … Our wifi Bundles on point we are waiting anxiously for that Video Mr Brown.
1. Vanondibatsirana – Killer T and Fungisai
Or maybe as you know it Daidzai Vakuru, This is most arguably the biggest and most talked about Song this year. I mean with all the talk that Fungisai dropped her “Gospel” genre title and that she has taken up a more errm Royal genre (Empress F…Never mind).
It’s a hit song No Doubt about it, and from the pictures below it look like the Video will be a Hit too. It has Bikes and Status cars and Killer T and Fungisai coordinating their outfits #Yess #Slaying.
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