Ti Gonzi dropped his video for the yesteryear hit Zvenyu. We had no idea that the video would be out or even that they would be a video.
We had all but forgotten about the Hit but Ti Gonzi decided to remind us with a “visual” of Zvenyu. The beauty of it is in its simplicity, several cameos including the P.O Box Reloaded superstar Bhutisi, who come up singing a couple of bars from the Song.
The rest of the scenes are of Ti Gonzi in very colorful ensemble with a couple of his squad and him surrounded by news clippings (Ti Gonzi arrested for stealing 2 keys , Zvenyu vanotenga mabhodoro isu tichingonhonga?)
It’s a good Video but we feel it is long overdue , Simbi inoda kurohwa ichapisa …But Thank You for the Video Ti Gonzi
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