Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Review: On ‘Kudzwai’, Macheso’s ingenuity is once again Tested

Listening to ‘Kudzwai’ from Alick Macheso’s new album Dzinosvitsa Kure I tend to forget that I am living in a turbulent year 2018, he went back to his old sound and social commentary.


Written by Jeffrey Murimbechi

The opening of the song starts off with a central African drum roll and animation similar to Rumba’s sebene tehn he gets into it.

As the man who added extra bass to Sungura, its quite a surprise how the lead guitar takes so much precedence in this song, it even led the first transition followed by a low bar top roll form the drummer.

Not so sure who is playing that lead guitar in this new album but the duet with his bass guitar is enough to tell me it’s a great song.

The track is a gospel track, as always Macheso sticks to his storyline of wailing about the ills of life and masks the sadness is obscure vocals.

“Kudzwai Mwari wangu weeee” what a simple line but because the maestro used his voice, its just got its oomph!

The true question now is, whether the Sungura and afro-pop fan base quickly absorb his timeless compositions that take so long to produce and life times to get over?

The only criticism is that Innocent Mujintu and other icon rhythm guitarists didn’t add their daring flare to this one – Macheso played it slightly safer and stuck to his guns.

‘Kudzwai’ would never be a hot track without a Macheso extra basso solo, this one is a more laid back solo much like the way he dances on stage, more theatrics and less verve and energy.

One would think Leonard Dembo visited him in his sleep and told him that a slower tempo on a solo will ensure that the grass will never grow where your fans will dance (I am laughing out loud visualising this deranged analogy).

Once again Macheso gave everyone in the band a solo just to show off their superb guitar skills if you listen closely to the rhythm solo you will hear Macheso sampling artillery sounds with his guitar.

‘Dzinosvitsa Kure’ is Alick Macheso’s his 11th studio album and comes with six tracks among them ‘Kudzwai’, “Chikuru Kurarama”, “Pfuma Yacho”, “Ndakakutadzirei”,  “Madzitete” and “Vane Zvavanoda.”

— Jeffrey Murimbechi is a practising journalist and Presenter at Capitalk 100.4 FM. A  former music reviews columnist at the Sunday Mail as well as former Social Media Producer at ZiFM Stereo follow him on Twitter: @jeffreydanai 

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